Category Archives: work


Lots of changes, though the French have a saying: plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. In other words, the more things change, the more they’re really the same. So I’m several years older, ought to swap out that picture of me, it’s so-ooo out of date, but it’s the same old me underneath.

At my ripe age, I still yearn to be a published author, though I have a good deal less confidence it will happen.  I’m writing again, but I’ve given up the cupboard and the beige cardigan has long gone into the rags bin. What about the day job? Felting, yes, but considerably less than before. I stopped for a long time, it’s hard work, and now I’m doing it again, but I have no plans to have a pop up shop yet and no craft fair on the horizon, so there is no urgency. I’ve been sewing a lot, all sorts of things, purely for pleasure, which have gone to a local charity. Bags have been the biggest things and they’ve gone down very well both with the charity and friends, which is very satisfying. But under it all is that niggling writing muscle desiring exercise.

I hope being here, with all you writer-y friends, it will encourage me to get back in touch with that writer-y me.

Best wishes all, and thank you for reading, if you have been.
